Partner App

Partner App

Partner App

Sep to Nov 2022

Sep to Nov 2022

Sep to Nov 2022


Graphy, Unacademy

Graphy, Unacademy

Graphy, Unacademy

Graphy is a leading online platform that has been used by 100K+ content creators to launch and monitize their knowledge businesses.

Graphy is a leading online platform that has been used by 100K+ content creators to launch and monitize their knowledge businesses.

Graphy is a leading online platform that has been used by 100K+ content creators to launch and monitize their knowledge businesses.

Initially, Graphy's revenue model was based on subscriptions. Creators could purchase a subscription plan to access a set of features on the platform.

However, we realized that a shift was necessary in order to accelerate the company's growth. This warranted a change in the revenue model, a shift from subscription-based to revenue-based payments. We also wanted to move from a highly sales-driven to a more product-led growth strategy. This meant that the growth of creators and that of the company would go hand-in-hand.

Initially, Graphy's revenue model was based on subscriptions. Creators could purchase a subscription plan to access a set of features on the platform.

However, we realized that a shift was necessary in order to accelerate the company's growth. This warranted a change in the revenue model, a shift from subscription-based to revenue-based payments. We also wanted to move from a highly sales-driven to a more product-led growth strategy. This meant that the growth of creators and that of the company would go hand-in-hand.

Initially, Graphy's revenue model was based on subscriptions. Creators could purchase a subscription plan to access a set of features on the platform.

However, we realized that a shift was necessary in order to accelerate the company's growth. This warranted a change in the revenue model, a shift from subscription-based to revenue-based payments. We also wanted to move from a highly sales-driven to a more product-led growth strategy. This meant that the growth of creators and that of the company would go hand-in-hand.

Success for creators meant success for Graphy.

Success for creators meant success for Graphy.

Success for creators meant success for Graphy.

We recognized that in order to facilitate the growth of creators, it was imperative for us to assist them in consistently enhancing specific metrics. Our intention was to assure them that we were invested partners in their journey on our platform, committed to always providing them with support.

We recognized that in order to facilitate the growth of creators, it was imperative for us to assist them in consistently enhancing specific metrics. Our intention was to assure them that we were invested partners in their journey on our platform, committed to always providing them with support.

We recognized that in order to facilitate the growth of creators, it was imperative for us to assist them in consistently enhancing specific metrics. Our intention was to assure them that we were invested partners in their journey on our platform, committed to always providing them with support.

Our overarching goal was also to establish a robust network among creators and strategically leverage the powerful network effects that come with it.

Our overarching goal was also to establish a robust network among creators and strategically leverage the powerful network effects that come with it.

Our overarching goal was also to establish a robust network among creators and strategically leverage the powerful network effects that come with it.

Considering our current vision and future goals, it made sense to build an app that helps creators keep track of important metrics such as number of subscribers, revenue generated, the type of content uploaded and beyond. This would enable them to channel their efforts towards targeted growth and establish a prominent presence.

Considering our current vision and future goals, it made sense to build an app that helps creators keep track of important metrics such as number of subscribers, revenue generated, the type of content uploaded and beyond. This would enable them to channel their efforts towards targeted growth and establish a prominent presence.

Considering our current vision and future goals, it made sense to build an app that helps creators keep track of important metrics such as number of subscribers, revenue generated, the type of content uploaded and beyond. This would enable them to channel their efforts towards targeted growth and establish a prominent presence.

Below, you can see an idea board I came up with during brainstorming.

Below, you can see an idea board I came up with during brainstorming.

Below, you can see an idea board I came up with during brainstorming.


Learner engagement + Creator growth

Random thoughts (but could be useful 🌚)

Everything need not be on the screen upfront (esp for numbers/reports) - can show widgets which expand and cover a larger real estate

Can the learner app be same as creator app? Just with exclusion of certain controls etc. Community will be same, learners too will have profile and my graphy section can either be removed or we can show some stats related to their learning, videos watched etc.

App can have 3 tabs (?) - Home (community), Dashboard/my graphy, Profile


Honest, no pretense

We want you to grow, we help you to grow, we grow with you


Healthy competition

Not alone, bridging islands, social ecosystem

Home page

When a creator opens this app, what might they be thinking or feeling?

they probably want to feel like they’re a part of an ecosystem, and not alone

they want to know what their learners are up to

they want to know whats happening in the ecosystem (what other creators are upto)

After developing some initial ideas and determining a direction, I began iterating on the first version of the product for review by the founders and other stakeholders. These designs were done in about 2 days.

After developing some initial ideas and determining a direction, I began iterating on the first version of the product for review by the founders and other stakeholders. These designs were done in about 2 days.

After developing some initial ideas and determining a direction, I began iterating on the first version of the product for review by the founders and other stakeholders. These designs were done in about 2 days.

Home, leaderboard, activity center and community screens

Home, leaderboard, activity center and community screens

Home, leaderboard, activity center and community screens

After a few iterations and reviews, there were some realisations and insights:

After a few iterations and reviews, there were some realisations and insights:

After a few iterations and reviews, there were some realisations and insights:

During the first iteration of the product, I had to prioritize speed and was unable to dedicate enough attention to product branding.. However, the dark mode screens shown above do not match the established Graphy visual language. As a result, appears disparate and fails to seamlessly integrate with the overall Graphy experience.

During the first iteration of the product, I had to prioritize speed and was unable to dedicate enough attention to product branding.. However, the dark mode screens shown above do not match the established Graphy visual language. As a result, appears disparate and fails to seamlessly integrate with the overall Graphy experience.

During the first iteration of the product, I had to prioritize speed and was unable to dedicate enough attention to product branding.. However, the dark mode screens shown above do not match the established Graphy visual language. As a result, appears disparate and fails to seamlessly integrate with the overall Graphy experience.

In considering information architecture and layouts, I initially drew inspiration from dashboards. Nonetheless, I realized that I desired a different approach for my product, one that deviated from the cluttered nature of a dashboard with its excessive information. My goal was to create a design that is more user-friendly and easily consumable.

In considering information architecture and layouts, I initially drew inspiration from dashboards. Nonetheless, I realized that I desired a different approach for my product, one that deviated from the cluttered nature of a dashboard with its excessive information. My goal was to create a design that is more user-friendly and easily consumable.

In considering information architecture and layouts, I initially drew inspiration from dashboards. Nonetheless, I realized that I desired a different approach for my product, one that deviated from the cluttered nature of a dashboard with its excessive information. My goal was to create a design that is more user-friendly and easily consumable.

After reviewing with the stakeholders, we realized that we were displaying too many metrics. We recognized that this approach might prove counterintuitive and overwhelm the content creators. Our objective was to encourage them to concentrate on one or two pivotal metrics and adapt their strategies accordingly.

After reviewing with the stakeholders, we realized that we were displaying too many metrics. We recognized that this approach might prove counterintuitive and overwhelm the content creators. Our objective was to encourage them to concentrate on one or two pivotal metrics and adapt their strategies accordingly.

After reviewing with the stakeholders, we realized that we were displaying too many metrics. We recognized that this approach might prove counterintuitive and overwhelm the content creators. Our objective was to encourage them to concentrate on one or two pivotal metrics and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Below are the final designs which address all the aforementioned insights.

Below are the final designs which address all the aforementioned insights.

Below are the final designs which address all the aforementioned insights.

Onboarding sequence

Onboarding sequence

Onboarding sequence

Home page

Home page

Home page

Creator profile

Creator profile

Creator profile

Notification center

Notification center

Notification center

To notify our creators about the new app and encourage them to download it, we sent out newsletters and made some additions to our product homepage, introducing the app to our creators.

To notify our creators about the new app and encourage them to download it, we sent out newsletters and made some additions to our product homepage, introducing the app to our creators.

To notify our creators about the new app and encourage them to download it, we sent out newsletters and made some additions to our product homepage, introducing the app to our creators.

Product homepage

Product homepage

Product homepage

Want to connect? Reach out at

Want to connect? Reach out at

Want to connect? Reach out at

Want to connect? Reach out at